setembro 29, 2011

My aunt's wedding

I have recently been invited to my aunt's wedding in my hometown, Brasília. They married here in Brazil and also in USA. It was a simple and beautiful ceremony. And a super party. We celebrate and dance all night long. I have a blast. I am wearing a deep plum dress and nude laced heels.

David, granny Elza and aunt Mirtes.

David, I and aunt Mirtes.
Mommy (in red), daddy (in suit) and my uncles.

Sister Tammara, my niece Maria Clara, cousin Valeska and her son Gustavo.
Sis Tammy, Keka and me.
Cousins and me.
Cousins May, Pablo, Debora and me.
Aunt Mirtes tossing the bouquet!! All the single ladies put your hands up!!!
Granny Elza. Isn't she the cutest lady in the world?
Everybody's dancing...
all night long...
like nobody's watching...
...including me.

setembro 22, 2011

Food: Bolo de cenoura

Esse é o bolo preferido do Gabriel, fiz ele pra comemorar nosso aniversário de namoro. Faço também um brigadeiro como cobertura, modéstia parte fica muito bom e a receita é super simples. Não vou postar a receita em português por que toda cozinhadeira que se preste já tem sua receitinha ne. =D
This is Gabriel's favorite cake. I baked this to celebrate our anniversary. I made a chocolate cake topping, and I not lying when I say that it was delicious!!

Carrot Cake with Chocolate Topping (the Brazilian recipe) 

5 Small carrots (or 3 large)
3 Eggs
1 Cup of vegetable oil
3 Cups of flour 
1 Tablespoon of baking powder
2 Cups of sugar
For the topping:
2-3 Tablespoons of chocolate drinking powder 
1 Can Sweetened Condensate Milk
1 Table spoon of margarine

 Anything baked with love and chocolate can't go wrong.
  1. Chop carrots, add cooking oil, sugar and eggs;
 2. Blend it well, until you get a homogenous mixture;
3. Like this. Until becomes a nice and soft orange color mixture;
4. In a Large bowl first pour the flour, then pour the carrot mixture and mix well;
5. Finally add the tablespoon of baking powder and mix well;
 6. Place the mixture in a greased, lined 20cm cake tin and smooth the surface; In it goes in a pre-heated oven for approximately 60 minutes, in very low temperature (do the toothpick test to check when ready).

7. Meanwhile, make the topping, simply mix all ingredients together in a pot, in low heat, till it thickens;
8. When baked, remove and cool on a wire rack. 
Add the topping, simply mix all ingredients together in a pan, in low heat, till it thickens; And this is it. It was delicious!!

setembro 20, 2011

Almost a year ♥

Já se passaram 11 mêses, onze lindos mêses. Cheios de amor, carinho, companheirismo, confiança e respeito.
It has been 11 months, wonderful eleven months. Full of love, affection, companionship, trust and respect.

A família do Gabriel tem um sítio que é uma delícia. Passar o fim de semana lá juntos foi muito bom, nós precisavamos de descanso. Quando não estavamos na rede, estavamos brincando com os vários cachorros, ou na piscina ou colhendo frutas. Lá tinha dois esquilinhos tão xexelentos que nos fizeram companhia e comiam as frutinhas junto com a gente. ::: 
Gabriel's family has a delightful place, near our city. Spending the weekend there together was very good, we need to rest. We are at the hammock, or playing among the many dogs, or at the swimming pool, or picking fruits with the squirrels. Yeap. There were some squirrels that have made us company and ate the berries along with us.

setembro 15, 2011

Inspired by: Chloe

Adoro ler, e além de livros, tenho uma lista diária grande de blogs, revistas, etc. Uma coisa que sempre notei nos blogs por ai, que as meninas sempre postam coisas como: "shop the look" ou "get the look for less"... Essa semana tive a ideia de um post similar. Pus o nome de Inspired by porque queria criar looks inspirados em minhas blogueiras preferidas. Para o primeiro post da série, queria que vocês conhecessem a minha blogueira favorita de todos os tempos, Chloe do Ela é sempre tão bem vestida, seus looks são um meio termo do que é tendência e  do clássico. Ela é übber chic e muito engraçada em seus textos! Sobre o look, não montei nada literal, por três razões: primeiro que obviamente não poderia ser chamado de inspirado ne, segundo que quero fazer no meu estilo e terceiro não tenho acesso às mesmas lojas que as blogueiras lá de fora costumam comprar. Bem que eu gostaria! Compare com o look dela, aqui.
I love to read, and I have a big list of blog daily readings. One thing I always noticed about the blogs out there, the girls always post things like "shop the look" or "get the look for less"... This week I had the idea of ​​a similar kind of "get the look" post. I called it Inspired by because I wanted to create looks inspired by my favorite bloggers. For the first post in the series, I want you to know who's my ultimate favorite blogger, Chloe of She is always so well dressed, her looks are a mix of trendy and classic. She's so chic and also funny in her texts! On to the outfit, I didn't do it literally, for three reasons. First: because if I do exactly the same it wont be an inspired by look; Second: I want to leave my mark on it and Third: I don't have access to all of the the shops where the foreign bloggers tend to make purchases. I wish I have! Take a look on her outfit, here.

Blouse: Lemix's fashion (similar here) (and here)
Skirt: Rosangela modas (similar here)
Belt: bought at a fair (similar here) (and here) (and here)
Shoes: Via Marte (similar here) (and here)
Necklace: made by me (similar here) (and here) (and here) (and here)
Woven Bracelets: made by me  (similar here) (and here)
Acrilic Bracelet: bought at a fair (similar here) (and here

setembro 12, 2011

Dessa's Prom

Continuando com o post anterior, algumas fotos do baile de formatura da minha irmã Andressa. Nós nos divertimos bastanteMeu vestido é de cetim verde, mas em algumas fotos parece azul.
Continuing with the previous post, some photos of my sister Andressa's prom. We had a great time! My satin dress is a dark green color, but sometimes it looks blue.
Brother and me. I posted this picture to show the makeup. It was simple but I really liked it.
Brothers and I doing an awkward pose requested by the photographer.
Andressa and I trying to be tuff as a thug hahaha... didn't work...
Having a blast with my family and friends.

setembro 09, 2011

Dessa's graduation

Vou para a casa do Gabriel nesse fim de semana, então vou aproveitar e postar fotos antigas... essas são da colação de grau da minha irmã caçula, Andressa. Foi bem divertida a cerimonia, e tive a oportunidade de me reunir com a família e passar um tempo com meus queridos sobrinhos, Luiza e Lucas. O engraçado é que ninguém combinou de ir com cores parecidas, mas acabou acontecendo. rsrs. XD
I'm going to Gabriel's house this weekend, so today I'll post only old photos... these are from the graduation of my youngest sister, Andressa. The ceremony was pretty fun, and I had the opportunity to meet with family and spending time with my dears nephew and niece, Lucas and Luiza. The funny thing is that no one arranged to go with similar colors, but it turned out. haha. XD

My sisters, stepmother, her mother - "stepgranma" haha, niece, nephew and me.